Sartle offers educational resources for art history teachers.
Sartle’s goal is to make art history accessible and engaging. We provide information about a diverse selection of artists and analysis of their work, as well as unusual stories and facts to spark curiosity in students. When textbook prices are prohibitive to many learners, and in-person instruction is not a guarantee, our online educational resources make teaching about art history easy and fun.
Teaching Resources
Sartle is well suited for introductory high school, college, and returning education courses about art and art history. Our series of academic Art History Readers provide an introduction to a variety of art history topics. Written in a conversational tone, each reader contains a short lesson to provide context followed by links to relevant artists and works of art for further reading.
How to use Sartle
Teachers can utilize Sartle in a number of ways. They can assign our readers to their students, incorporate specific pages about artists or works of art into their syllabi, or suggest their students explore the site on their own to make new connections via our topics and artist sorting tools. Sartle’s commenting feature can also be used to gauge students’ engagement and the improvement of their visual analysis skills over time.
Show your students art made by people who look like them
While classic introductory art history textbooks contain much information of value, online resources such as Sartle are poised to accommodate our quickly changing learning environment in unique ways. Traditional textbooks have been notably slower to adopt an inclusive approach to art history pedagogy, but Sartle places priority on expanding the gender and ethnic diversity of the artists who feature on our site. It is Sartle’s firm belief that students deserve to see works of art by people who like them. Learn more in our article “Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Traditional Art History Textbooks.”