More about Cut with the Kitchen Knife Through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany

At first Hannah's work wasn't welcome at the First International Dada Fair
Yet, it's her photomontage Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic in Germany, that's starring in basically any photo of that same fair! Sadly, the Dada boys agreed to let her join the fair only after her boyfriend Raoul Hausmann threatened to withdraw his works.
The photomontage wasn't just accidentally starring in all the photos of the fair, eventually it was the most prominently displayed AND most well-received work of the show! Despite her big success, her "friends" Georg Grosz and John Heartfield never wanted her to be part of the Dada fair. To be honest, they didn't want to include her in ANY of the group’s activities. Maybe it was because Hannah's work criticized more than just politics.
After WWI, Germany was in political chaos, the old Weimar government and the new left-wing communist party Spartasist clashed. But Hannah's photomontage isn't just a political piece, it's a commentary regarding gender issues as well. She wasn't too fond of the traditional gender roles and the way they upheld a conservative society. Hence the beer-belly, which illustrates the male dominated Weimar republic and German military, getting slashed by a kitchen knife. Because a woman's place is in the kitchen, right? No. If you look closely you'll find Karl Marx, Kaiser Wilhelm, Albert Einstein and the Dadaists. You'll also find the body of the dancer Niddy Impekoven juggling the head of the artist Käthe Kollwitz.
Is it me, or is it soooomewhat ironic that Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic in Germany became such a big hit?