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Right now you're probably thinking to yourself, "Who's that girl in the monkey mask and where can I get one?"
Before the movie Spring Breakers made masks hot again, there were The Guerrilla Girls - an anonymous group of badass female artists/activists. Their mission? To bring attention to discrimination in the art world through posters and billboards like this one. They used gorilla masks to conceal their faces, which makes the spelling of their gang super confusing for art history students and the dyslexic alike.
Like many great political street artists, this troupe of high-minded trouble ran around vandalizing public property to spread their message loud and clear - that the lack of diversity in museums and galleries is unacceptable! A disproportionate number of women and people of color are (and continue to be) excluded from these places. So bogus. Good thing the GG are around to be “the conscience of the art world," asking the important questions like, why are all the ladies in the Met naked on canvas instead of named in the wall text?
This poster got rejected from the Public Art Fund so the gals rented out ad space on New York buses themselves to spread the gorilla gospel. The city cancelled their lease, though, saying that the fan in her hand looked like something more…penis-y. As if.
Gotta give it up to the Guerrilla Girls!