Computers are growing brains and we’re all destined for a post-apocalyptic Terminator-esque future. This is inevitable. Maybe first we’ll get drone taco delivery (plz), but in any case, while we wait for the other shoe to drop, let’s make cool stuff on the interwebz!

Ostagram is a Russian website that combines two images using neural networks, a computer system designed to mimic the activity of a human’s brain, and the underlying foundation of many deep learning algorithms. Someone tried to explain it farther than that to me once. My eyes glazed over and, like the good American I am, I stopped listening and went back to watching soap operas and playing candy crush.

Luckily, you don’t have to understand the intricacies of neural networks or even be sober to use the tool. Enter my new obsession: awesomely futuristic art history mash ups.
What would it look like if Van Gogh painted the Mona Lisa?

Suck it, Da Vinci!
Or…what if Roy Lichtenstein collabed with Andy Warhol?


How bout Jackson Pollock and Salvador Dali?


Dude. So cool.

Or what if Klimt did a version of Edvard Munch’s The Scream?

The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!
Robot overlords are a small price to pay in our opinion.

By Angelica, or a robot that looks just like her.