After a deep investigation, Team Sartle has discovered the infamous, elusive, great masters’ Halloween archive. These previously unreleased photos document the passionate pumpkin-carving techniques of the world’s most-renowned artists.

You think we lie?? No…we would never…
See Banksy’s pumpkin below:

by Banksy ;)
Perfect for Halloween, here we see Pumpkin with a Bandaged Ear.

(The non-amputated ear was borrowed from a Mr. Potato Head…)
Inspired by: Self Portrait with a Bandaged Ear, by Vincent van Gogh at the Courtald Gallery

Pumpkin Head: a cubist jack-o-lantern a la Picasso.

based on:
Harlequin Head by Pablo Picasso

Son of Pumpkin…….the illusion is REAL!

based on Son of Man by René Magritte

And lastly, a cute lil’ Koons-y punkin’.

As edible as Baroque Egg with Bow by Jeff Koons

[All pumpkins above decorated by our very own Sartle team!]
By: Carolyn Nickell