One day you may see Kanye’s nipples. But it is not this day.
Welcome to Part Two of the Sartle Remix for The Life of Pablo. We’re celebrating Kanye, Picasso, and artistic genius in general with Yeezy’s new lyrics over great works of art. And, with 18 glorious songs’ worth of lyrics to choose from, we’ve been having a lot of fun so far.
Part One has come and gone, and we’ve got Parts Three and Four forthcoming. See below to continue the Pablo journey and find out the next stop on this marvelous, crazy/horny train that is Kanye’s creativity.
A few of these are NSFW, so head’s up.

Song: Low LightsArt: The Suicide of Dorothy Hale by Frida Kahlo at the Phoenix Art Museum

Song: High LightsArt: Origin of the World by Gustave Courbet at the d’Orsay

Song: Freestyle 4Art: The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago at the Brooklyn Museum

Song: I Love KanyeArt: Sollie 17 by Edward Kienholz at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Whether you miss the old Kanye or still love Kanye, there’s a lot of Kanye still left to enjoy with this Remix. Stay tuned for the next installments and check out the album to see what all this wonderful art is like set to music.
For now, a parting Yeezy’d gif. Until we see each other again…

By Clayton
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