Pictured: The patron saint of parades and day-drinking.
Another March has come and gone. If you’ve been saving up Sartle posts all month the same way all these blasted flowers have been saving up their itching powder, the Sartle Roundup’s got ya covered! Let art history be your Claritin to shield you in a protective bubble of non-congestion before you venture out. Or not – you can also let Sartle be your bomb-shelter activity as you wait out spring’s pollenstorm from the comfort of the indoors.
We started March with the art world version of the Oscars. Naturally, Mona Lisa won best picture. At the IRL Oscars, our beloved Leonardo took home the gold in a movie chock-full of art history references! (And no, not that Leonardo.)

Pictured: Not the Titanic heartthrob.
March is also known for St. Patrick’s Day, that holiday that’s probably properly celebrated in Ireland, but used as an excuse to binge drink in the good ol’ U-S-of-A. We may not be Irish, but we could always use some of their luck. Here’s where to find it in art history.

Pictured: Frida and her lucky black cat. We always knew she was a witch.
Speaking of debauchery, we also pulled a Perez Hilton and wrote a shocking, X-rated expose on the Kim Kardashian-level scandal queen of art history, Louise Vigée Le Brun. I’m sure if she could’ve made a sex tape she would’ve. However that would work in 18th century France. An illustrated flip book perhaps? Read all the sexy, sexy details here.

Pictured: Breaking the internet.
Kim’s God-complexed paramour, Kanye West, released a new album a while ago. Just as Kim has taken the face she was born with as a light suggestion, Kanye has recently chosen to ignore the rules of release dates and edit his albums at will. In turn, we’ve decided to give The Life of Pablo our own little remix. (Hopefully he isn’t inspired to seek revenge the same way he did with TSwift.)

Pictured: Stills from Kanye’s next music video.
In bad tattoo news, they continue to happen. Yeah, Ick.

Pictured: A disgusting troll-like monster who devours children. And on your right, a bad tattoo of a Goya painting.
The sun is shining , the birds are chirping, and the air is full of pollen. Yahoo, achoo, and thanks for taking breaks from rubbing your eyes raw to See Art Differently, art fans!
By: Victor