Welcome back to Think Before You Ink, a series where we show the worst of the worst when it comes to tattoos based off of famous works of art. We’re here to remind you that art is to be created, not replicated–especially if it will forever be on your body.
This week we’re looking at a classic: Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, housed in the Louvre. You know what they say, you can’t improve upon a classic. But bless these artists for trying. 🙏
Let’s get started.
This guy tried to keep it simple and just recreate the Mona Lisa.

(You caught the sarcasm, right?)
Someone with a shitty bat tattoo thought ‘Hey, why not cover it up with the Mona Lisa? That’s gotta be easier than a bat.’

I wonder which image will be used to cover this one up.
Maybe it’s the shitty Instagram filter, but this hurts my eyes more than direct sunlight. Maybe put on some sunglasses before proceeding.

Now we’re moving on the the more creative interpretations of this piece, and this one is super meta. It’s a tattoo of Mona Lisa… with tattoos. What?!

Do you see the teardrop tattoo? SHE KILLED SOMEONE. (Also lol look at her cleavage)
Wanna know who she killed? It was Albert Einstein. This was back when she only had knuckle tattoos.

And then she died (perhaps by someone avenging Einstein’s death?), became a zombie, and adopted a zombie dog.

And then she got full on Walking Dead.
WARNING–Readers with the following conditions may not view the following tattoo:
- Recent surgery
- Heart trouble/high blood pressure
- Neck trouble
- Back trouble
or are pregnant

I have lost the gift of sight… except in my nightmares.
That’s it for this week folks, and remember: leave the masterpieces to the masters.
by Maya