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Oh say can you see
The 20th season of The Bachelor just wrapped up, with software salesman Ben Higgins...
Impressionism at a Glance: You Mean Those Smudges Are Intentional? Flowers,...
Think of Romanticism as the emo kids of the 19th century. While...
Carlo Carrà, Funeral of the Anarchist Galli Beginning just nine years...
Dadaism was created with the intention of turning both the art world and the...
It’s important to note: the Romantic Art Movement has nothing to do with...
Something very strange was going on in Italy around the turn of the 16th century....
Today in art history we toast what would have been the 112th birthday of Modernist...
Baroque art started because the Catholics got all jealous that people were...
Vincent Van Gogh once gave artists the following advice: “What is done in...
Christopher Columbus was not the man your grade school teachers told you about...
Sweet summer is on the horizon and here at the Sartle office we’re already making...
Who on this list got kitschy ties? Happy Father’s Day! It’s that special...
Mel Brimfield, This is Performance Art, 2011, C-print Ah, performance artists...
Bigger, Badder, and More Realistic If you like hot bods, ugly babies, and...
When people talk about “realism” in art, they are typically referring to one...
In her seminal 1985 novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood paints a...