More about Abraham Archibald Anderson


Abraham Archibald Anderson probably insured his mustache with AAA.

Anderson was an American artist, rancher, and philanthropist. He also tried his hand early on at business but then saw a path of least resistance by marrying heiress Elizabeth Milbank. (Don’t we all wish we could marry someone rich and do whatever tickled our pickle.)

He lived in Paris for a while to study under some French dudes. Most notably Auguste Rodin was a mentor. He acquired both a taste and talent for portraiture.

He also created the American Art Association in Paris to help American art students. Is it just me, or did he have a thing for triple As? i.e. American Art Association, Abraham Archibald Anderson. Maybe he just wanted you to travel with someone you trust.

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Here is what Wikipedia says about Abraham Archibald Anderson

Abraham Archibald Anderson

Abraham Archibald Anderson (1846 – 1940) was an American artist, rancher and philanthropist.

Check out the full Wikipedia article about Abraham Archibald Anderson