More about Miguel Arzabe
Works by Miguel Arzabe

You may have spotted artist Miguel Arzabe deep in the wilderness, kicking and throwing oranges, balls, and other round objects repeatedly into the air, while a camera catches it all on video.
Team Sartle met Miguel at Montalvo Arts Center in CA, where we had the good fortune of participating in his interactive art-game “Faceball.” Feeling a bit silly, but laughing the whole time, I attempted to snap a photo right at the moment a ball was tossed in front of my friend's face...thus….Faceball. More difficult than you’d think!
Miguel’s work also includes painting, explorations of his Bolivian heritage, and more. He jumps, “paints” with a digital camera, and creates political artwork in public. Keep an eye on this guy, because who knows what direction he’ll fly in next!