More about A Rake’s Progress II: The Levée

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In painting two of "A Rake’s Progress," Young Rakewell is wearing a truly chic morning gown and slippers.

Still, without his wig, he’s hold morning court (The Levée). Things are looking good. He has left his old squalid quarters from painting 1 behind and is now in a large well-lit house with lovely large windows. Tom has his very own harpsichord player (on the left) and a tough-looking bodyguard (on the right).


Tom’s horse, Silly Tom (I know, not a very subtle reference to the dimwitted rake himself) just won a big race and the jockey is holding up an oversized victory bowl. Hogarth has a special place in his heart for the new rich and the room is full of visitors and groupies who are drawn to Tom’s new wealth, like flies to a pile of shit.


