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Salvador Dali kept this painting for himself until the day he died.
But now you can see it in smoke-filled dorm rooms across the nation. The Great Masturbator is the name of the giant rock in the middle of the painting. It is inspired by Dali's favorite landscape the Alberes hills on the border between Spain and France, and not by a bad acid trip as one might presume.
Of course, being a Dali painting, the rock does have a female torso growing out of it. And even the landscape is sexual, with her mouth suspiciously close to a male figure's package. Weirdness continues as a giant locust grows out of the genitals , a swarm of ants on the locust, etc, etc, etc. Plenty of fodder for rosy-eyed co-eds.
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Here is what Wikipedia says about The Great Masturbator
The Great Masturbator (1929) is a painting executed by Salvador Dalí during the surrealist epoch. It is currently displayed at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.
Check out the full Wikipedia article about The Great Masturbator