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Leave it to Jeff Koons to forever taint your childhood memories.
This strange sculpture is a combination of innocent naiveté and raunchy voyeuristic delight…if you’re into bestiality, that is. In this cartoon come to life, a topless Jayne Mansfield (70s actress and Playboy Playmate) is literally and figuratively feeling her feline friend. Half naked, passionately embracing the kitty, so-to-speak, Mansfield fulfills one of Koons-y's favorite artistic strategies: capitalizing on recognizable celebrities in order to sell art.
Quite the celebrity at this point himself, Koons’ notorious work is said to marry kitsch pop culture and art-world elitism. Are you buying it? Someone at a Sotheby’s auction did for a cool $16 million…which was lower than the projected price if you can believe it. Poor Jeff had some legal fees to pay, too. As you might imagine, the creators of the Pink Panther were none too thrilled with this cat’s XXX debut. As Inspector Clouseau might say, “Merde!”
Personally, I think the statue looks like a cheesy figurine you might find in your pervy uncle’s rec room. This perhaps is the point. In any case, take your kids to see this one at your own risk.
Love Pink and panthers. The pinker and the more panthery the better.