More about Portrait of a Lady of the Saxon Court as Judith with the Head of Holofernes

What's wrong with you, Judith? You look pretty bored considering you are holding a human head.
A head that, might I remind you, you severed. I know that you got this guy Holofernes drunk and decapitated him in his tent because he was about to lead an army to destroy your village or something, but I think the least you could do is show a little emotion, don't you agree? Excitement, surprise, terror? Maybe something other than complete apathy over the gruesome murder you just executed (pardon the pun).
You and your biblical shenanigans are the topic of more than one hundred other paintings and sculptures, so you should try to make this one stand out a little more. I mean, seriously, that head you're holding has more personality than you do! For more passionate Judiths, see Artemesia Gentileschi's badass version of Holofornes' demise. At least she didn't skimp on the action.