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Sorry to say that Christopher Lee died this week at 93. Modern Audiences and Comic...
The one and only: Zsa Zsa GaborThis February would have marked the 100th birthday...
On the eve of the 2017 Primetime Emmys, we at Sartle recall our longstanding...
Christopher Columbus was not the man your grade school teachers told you about...
Portrait of Captain Thomas Lee by Marcus Gheeraerts II at the Tate Britain
Centuries before feminism had a name, post-Renaissance artist Artemisia Gentileschi...
Buy now on Amazon
P-town Love
Untitled, 1986 Walking through the Rosie Lee Tompkins exhibit that just...
Artist Biopics - Part One: March 7
Jessica recently let us know that she’d found some of Sartle’s work on Hieronymus...
Baseball at Night by Morris Kantor at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
In her seminal 1985 novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood paints a...
Angelica takes a stab at combining the mostly crude Texts From Last Night...
A series in which Lauren shows just how awful she is by combining crude text...
Harlequin Head by Pablo Picasso
Reclining Nude by Suzanne Valadon
Diana and Actaeon by Francesco Albani
A Grotesque Old Woman by Quentin Matsys
Inn with Drunken Peasants (Boerendrinkpartij) by Adriaen Brouwer
Lauren brings shame and embarrassment to her art history professors by combining...
Nude Woman in a Red Armchair by Pablo Picasso
Two Friends by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
A fun series where Lauren shows just how awful she is by combining the mostly crude...
The Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Édouard Manet
A fun new series where Lauren shows just how awful she is by combining the mostly...
Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian at the The National Gallery (London)
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci at the Louvre
The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium
The Hangover (Suzanne Valadon) by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at the Fogg Museum
The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo at the Museum of Modern Art Mexico
S.O.S. Starification Object Series (Back) by Hannah Wilke at The Solomon R....
Treasures around every corner
Triumphal Procession of Bacchus by Maerten van Heemskerck at the Museum of Art...
Faulty Landscape (Paysage Fautif) by Marcel Duchamp at the Museum of Modern Art...
George Washington (Lansdowne Portrait) by Gilbert Stuart at the National Portrait...
Angelica joins the party, combining the mostly crude Texts From Last Night...
Surrealist-influenced poster for The Strange Woman, starring Hedy Lamarr.In 1930s...
Gabrielle d’Estrées and One of Her Sisters by Mystery Artist at the Musée du...
Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird by Frida Kahlo at the Harry...
Diana and Callisto by Peter Paul Rubens at the Prado Museum
Back Seat Dodge ‘38 by Edward Kienholz at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
A fun series where Lauren shows just how awful she is by combining the mostly...
If looks could kill
One: Number 31, 1950 by Jackson Pollock at the Museum of Modern Art
It’s tough to be a princess in art history, pop culture, or even in real life. ...
Feminist extraordinaire
Stick it to The Man
Animal Crossing is a peaceful escape into a world where tedious routine becomes fun...
It doesn’t get much better than a Bachelor-art-history mashup.Hopefully you caught...
An abyss that would make Nietzsche jealous
It’s all about the birds and the bees
A Bacchanal without Pollock
The United States in the 1940s and 1950s must not have been a fun time to be a...
Maybe you’ve been experiencing “The Agony and the Ecstasy” of trying to figure out...
As any rabid fan of Ru Paul's Drag Race will tell you, the competing queens are...
Wifey wins
Just some student work
A trunk text from an ex
Remember when Columbus kidnapped people to show them off?
This week we start with a classic: Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, housed at...
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! By the way, did you know your turkey is...
Vincent Van Gogh once gave artists the following advice: “What is done in...
“As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. How long? And...
The Powder of Sympathy
Some More Drama
One of the best things about the art world is simply how surprising it...
Melania Trump's five-day, four country solo trip came to an end on Sunday...
We here at Sartle are super(naturally) excited for the much anticipated return of...
Her goddess superpowers come from her pruning tool
Critics call him “Modernism’s Evel Knievel.”
Happy Halloween! Since this is the season of zombies, vampires and ghosts...
Stelliferous (adj.) [ste-lif-er-uh s] Having or abounding with stars. The...
Artemisia Gentileschi. Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy, ca. 1620-25. Oil on canvas,...
Today’s the day that we celebrate some Italian guy who got into a boat and (...
Careful not to look crazy!
When a portrait isn't a portrait
Not to be confused with deliciously hipster lager Can you even...
Whether you’re new to art or an old hand, Edinburgh is an incredible place for an...
Feminist art theory emerged in the 60s in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement...
A tender moment before mass murder
Highly disturbing
Captain Thomas Lee wants to know: who needs pants when you’ve got gams like...
Not at night and not very watchful
The color blue brings a lot of things to mind - the blue sky, blue-ribbon winners,...
Despite our recent efforts to do right by “The Donald” by generously drafting up a...
The Baroque is a strange and wonderful movement that was created and marketed...
Every night with you is a Starry Night, Valentine. (By Vincent van Gogh at the...
The only occasions when horror films seem to garner an ounce of respect, is when...
The San Francisco Center for the Book (SFCB) is a magically inspiring art haven...
Mel Brimfield, This is Performance Art, 2011, C-print Ah, performance artists...
So get ready!
If Baroque art and a can of whipped cream had a baby, it would be the Rococo....
In the beginning, there was darkness… Tohubohu, according to the Merriam-...
I’m in my late 20s, which for about five years has meant that March and April bring...
You may think Earth Day isn’t that exciting…Artists have been inspired by...
Light up the night!
Don’t eat it please.
Just what is going on here?
The neighborhood of Harlem in New York City is home to many great things –...
It’s important to note: the Romantic Art Movement has nothing to do with...
July 17th will be the 60th Anniversary of Disneyland’s Opening Day! As a kid, I...
At what point do evil dictators shift from making art to collecting it? Well,...
Walk along the Water of Leith in Dunedin (also known as Edinburgh), following the...
March means Easter, and we all know that Easter means chocolate eggs, cute lil’...
If Kanye wants to be like Pablo, we can make that happen.Say what you want about...
Party like it's 1668
You've probably seen this everywhere
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
Avada Kedavra
A steed as turbulent as its owner
A worrisome thing
One way to look at all art is through the lens of design. All art uses...
Are you tired of eating the same iteration of meat, potatoes, and casserole every...
The Crown Season 2 premieres December 8 on Netflix and it couldn’t be more...
With a new year comes a new season of BoJack Horseman -- which also means...
Andy Warhol. Self-Portrait with Skull, 1977. When I think of Andy Warhol, it’s all...
Brittany hasn’t got anything on van Gogh.
Is there a doctor in the house?
Rain on me
Art will always be a medium of self-expression and experimentation. During the last...
Whaam! Boom! Pow! Turns out all the superheroes we love and the...
Peter Paul Rubens, Hercules's Dog Discovers Purple Dye, ca. 1636, Musée...
This Wednesday, Sartle is crushing on some serious babes. We’re talking Lily...
As fans of looking closely and spending quality time with images, it’s no...
Dadaism was created with the intention of turning both the art world and the...
Modern art is experimental and innovative, as artists respond creatively to a world...
RSAP has a great message. Sure, they get a little hyperbolic about just how much...
People Magazine has decided Blake Shelton is the “2017 Sexiest Man Alive”...
The other Starry Night
Just some good ol’ fashioned Milton fanfiction
Anyone have a nail file?
Earlier this summer, San Franciscans traded in their usual boho chic to revel in...
Bow down, witches, ‘cus the Sartle team has carved the best jack-o-...
Detail from La Città Nuova (The New City) by Antonio Sant’...
Vincent van Gogh, A Wheatfield with Cypresses, 1889. In Robert Frost’s...
Ever been curious about what goes on in those fancy MFA programs, but don't have...
Francesco Fragomeni and Chris Limbrick started recreating famous works of art using...
Of all the Christmas traditions this time of the year, Santa Claus is...
Mickalene Thomas, Sista Sista Lady Blue, 2007, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art...
The Oscars are nigh, and the agents of cinematic fortune have gifted the world’s...
The best scene in Woody Allen’s movie "Midnight in Paris" takes place in the...
Perspective, in a nutshell, is how much space/distance is shown in a 2D...
Vincent van Gogh, The Yellow House, 1888, Van Gogh Museum....
Munch to my lazy chagrin, I needn’t have gotten so creative with my cocktail. A...
Something very strange was going on in Italy around the turn of the 16th century....
Since it opened in 1871, the San Francisco Art Institute has become an...
Snapchat is basically a social media machine for stalking people’s ...
Painting skyscrapers before it was cool
Ah New York City… Maybe you watched Friends and are enamored with brick...
All 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
Created by Sister Suffragette
Embrace your inner underdog and recreate Rocky Balboa's run to the top!
Get Smart! See art!
It's THE Met
MOMA knows everything goes better with Bacon!
Quality, not quantity
Motor city
Good wine and interesting art
Two museums in one
One of the wealthiest museums in America
Only place that call the Dutch Masters the "North Dutch school"
Named after a beer maker
Will somebody please think of the children??
Put a bird on it
A taste of Asia in the Tenderloin
Sweet Home Alabama
Cooler than an Orange Julius
In the Athens of Australia
It's free, not cheap
I would walk 500 miles...
It's hammer time
Probably the first museum to use guns as performance art
This museum is worth A-GO
Just keeps getting bigger
Joe Biden likes to come here (probably)
New Jersey gem
A capital collection in the capital of Ohio
It's pronounced Woo-stah
It's all about that space
Not blan(d) at all
Welcome to the jungle
Mo Money, Mo Museums
Get High on art here
Lots of art in the heartland
Awesome, free, big-city museum
Depression is a nasty condition. Most of the time it leaves you feeling...
Located in Grant Park, site of the annual Lolapalooza music festival
A gift to the Nation
…one film that got lost in the shuffle stateside was Belle, an unlikely...
This year de Stijl turns 100! A glorious year for primary color...
We didn’t think anything could top Beyoncé’s Formation video until we watched her...
The new and improved San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) reopened on May...
Before there was OkCupid, there was The Cupid Seller by Joseph-Marie...
Remember when iconic shoe lover Carrie Bradshaw leaned in to look at a pair of...
Mental health issues restrict an artist’s ability to create. But, art can also...
Who on this list got kitschy ties? Happy Father’s Day! It’s that special...
Drunk in love we be all nightAnyway, we made a quiz on Buzzfeed and it’s...
“For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes...
There is such a cliche about artists and madness. Perhaps there’s a bit of truth to...