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Popular place to film when you're trying to prove the movie is actually in LA
Underground in the City of Angels
Buy now on Amazon
His unit comes off on when dignitaries from the Catholic Church visit
The third season of Broad City airs tonight and we can’t wait to see what our...
Here are the best museums of the continental United States as picked with extreme...
Takaya Miou, Love Thyself. Courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art. The...
The day that is NOT Mexican Independence Day and IS the celebration of the Mexican...
Best art deco building in San Francisco
Acclaimed art collector Shawn “Jay Z” Carter once wisely said, “I bought some...
Twenty years ago on December 19, 1997, Titanic splashed onto the big...
Lauren brings shame and embarrassment to her art history professors by combining...
Back Seat Dodge ‘38 by Edward Kienholz at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
One thing art teachers never tell you in school is that sometimes the next best...
This Wednesday, Sartle is crushing on some serious babes. We’re talking Lily...
Germans "borrowed" it, Russians "saved" it
Today we venture into hipster paradise, because this is a piece of art that...
This video of kids reacting to a rotary phone has us simultaneously laughing at how...
Check your home security system people
Concrete Jungle
Vincent van Gogh, A Wheatfield with Cypresses, 1889. In Robert Frost’s...
Almost as soon as the city shut down in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
You don’t have to be a kid to recognize these goofy yellow bundles of joy. Minions...
Watch now
Pixar’s newest feature film Inside Out has been out in theaters for less than a...
A gamer I am not, but a Pokémon trainer I am.The one and only gaming console I have...
Every night with you is a Starry Night, Valentine. (By Vincent van Gogh at the...
Special angel powers activate!
City living
It's not a vagina!
There is such a cliche about artists and madness. Perhaps there’s a bit of truth to...
Waiting for the white angel
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
Mad Men, S.a.a.d City
Isle of Man coin
When in Rome
The Carters’ newest music video is a work of art. R&B/hip-hop...
Vive La Revolution!
2 spoopy 4 me
She’s not like other Virgins
Urban anxiety aplenty
At the bottom of the sea
Whether it’s your favorite excuse to be romantic or it’s just another...
Not allowed to be political
No more tacky inspirational Martin Luther King Jr. quotes about how he had a...
The post-World War II period of the late 1940s to 1950s onward saw not only just a...
Image: Jacob Lawrence. From The Migration Series, 1940-41. At MOMA. February 2016...
Portrait of the tortured artist before he became a cliché
Eli and Edythe Broad are two of America’s top rock star philanthropists. You may...
Sartle can get a little carried away reppin’ San Francisco. The Bay is, after all,...
Ah New York City… Maybe you watched Friends and are enamored with brick...
If you’re looking for a strange getaway to a tiny desert island of...
An innocent red dot
Happy holidaze! What better date than 4/20 to launch our new “Stoners” category!? ...
This cult ‘90s movie made a lasting impression, inspiring terrifying fashion trends...
The new and improved San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) reopened on May...
You’ve been sitting at home in your sweatpants in the dark for days, binge-watching...
Photo courtesy of Classical Art MemesThis past Sunday was the 88th Academy Awards...
A little help from our friends
Who doesn’t love the 4th of July? It’s our nation’s best excuse to fire up the...
Tania and I were desperate for a “day” off and decided a tour of the mid-west was...
July 17th will be the 60th Anniversary of Disneyland’s Opening Day! As a kid, I...
Who on this list got kitschy ties? Happy Father’s Day! It’s that special...
Since it opened in 1871, the San Francisco Art Institute has become an...
So what’s got museums’ panties in a bunch now? In a nutshell: President Trump’s...
Private Parts is a series exposing the raw, gritty, and true stories behind...
Feminist art theory emerged in the 60s in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement...
On the eve of the 2017 Primetime Emmys, we at Sartle recall our longstanding...
Today in art history we toast what would have been the 112th birthday of Modernist...
Just a few things about me: I love cuddles and all things sexy, which I make...
If COVID-19 quarantine has left you missing the museums that closed, disappointed...
As the neurologist Oliver Sacks noted, gardens are places of healing. The Greek...
In the beginning, there was darkness… Tohubohu, according to the Merriam-...
Fair warning: if you do not want to hear my incessant ramblings about how glorious...
We live in a cultural climate that defines things along High School Musical-esque...
Aptly titled “The Hangover” by Henri de Toulouse-LautrecAs I sit here typing,...
This just in: Sartle makes new friends! Amelia, Victoria, and...
Earlier this summer, San Franciscans traded in their usual boho chic to revel in...
The Sartle team is beyond thrilled to be flying up to Portland today to visit the...
The Sartle team had a madcap week running around Washington, DC and New York City...
With big changes by little hands come monstrous reactions rife with pungent...
If you think the art world is full of sophisticated blue bloods standing around...
That eternal postman always rings twice, even for famous artists. Here are some...
Today’s the day that we celebrate some Italian guy who got into a boat and (...
With Fathers Day around the corner, it’s natural to reminisce about our Pops. Sure...
Seated Woman by Henri MatisseIn happy art news, a painting stolen from renowned art...
Alexander the Great and Campaspe in the Studio of Apelles by Giovanni Battista...
“That painting looks so realistic” is not something most viewers would say of an...
If you're still unsure about your Halloween costume, let us give you 25 ( plus...
Yes, Carol, we will visit you this Sunday because it is the 2016 Oscars and we...
Vincent Van Gogh once gave artists the following advice: “What is done in...
Sometimes Halloween sneaks up on you before you’ve even had time to savor the...
Drunk in love we be all nightAnyway, we made a quiz on Buzzfeed and it’s...
Mel Brimfield, This is Performance Art, 2011, C-print Ah, performance artists...
Summer, the most idyllic of times for the beloved cross-country American ramble, is...
Art history, but make it fashion. Is the Met better known...
Is Jeff Koons taking on collaborations with open arms or awkward hand...
Reading Le Figaro by Mary Cassatt, 1883. Private CollectionSometimes you just need...
If you’re getting married and you love art, then you’ve come to the right place....
In January 2014, my husband and I traveled to Italy, stopping in Rome, Florence,...
French painter Francois Boucher famously proclaimed that “Nature is too green and...
Feliz Cinco de Mayo! This is the day we remember the Mexican army’s 1862 victory...
Happy Easter!
One and Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth at the Museum of Modern Art
We’re obsessed with Game of Thrones this season, and are thanking the old...
First of all, I clearly had no idea what I was talking about, because there is tons...
The MoAD exhibit, titled “Thread for a Web Begun," is Zangewa’s first solo...
Last year we provided you with some art-themed Valentines to give to your Valentine...
Whether you’re new to art or an old hand, Edinburgh is an incredible place for an...
Getting to the Chichu Museum in Naoshima like... The Chichu...
Last Thursday evening I had the pleasure of attending an action-packed (!)...
The term “The Orient” was coined in the 19th century, defined by the region...
March means Easter, and we all know that Easter means chocolate eggs, cute lil’...
(Source: Aniplex) In Delightworks's mobile game Fate Grand...
Detail from La Città Nuova (The New City) by Antonio Sant’...
One very not cool thing about the Met: it’s on half of the planet’s short-list...
Something very strange was going on in Italy around the turn of the 16th century....
The Google Arts & Culture app has recently gone viral dominating the most...
Okay, so maybe it’s not that kind of Rubens, but there are some...
It’s important to note: the Romantic Art Movement has nothing to do with...
With recent exhibits on topics ranging from the Manga of Japanese artist Takaya...
This March, Turner Classic Movies is featuring films about art and artists, airing...
February 2016 marks the opening of Vigee Le Brun: Woman Artist in Revolutionary...
Munch to my lazy chagrin, I needn’t have gotten so creative with my cocktail. A...
Cubism was one of the first -isms to hit our collective senses in the twentieth-...
Walk along the Water of Leith in Dunedin (also known as Edinburgh), following the...
Whether inadvertently or as part of a master plan for world takeover, Kim...
Tarantism (n.): a psychological condition characterized by an...
My name is Silke, the newest contributor here at Sartle. It took me way too long to...
We’re pleased to share with you four amazing new writers, chiming in from across...
It's St. Patrick's Day! And while we all may be Irish today, these...
Misere is widespread depression caused specifically by the painful juxtaposition of...
Before there was OkCupid, there was The Cupid Seller by Joseph-Marie...
By the end of the nineteenth century, artists were absorbing the lessons and...
Gustav Klimt and his Viennese beauties come to us via the Legion...
Vincent van Gogh, The Yellow House, 1888, Van Gogh Museum....
Sartle was invited to check out the de Young’s newest exhibition, “The Summer of...
I’m visiting my parents in San Francisco and, like all children of parents on the...
October has arrived! This is by far my favorite month of the year. October marks a...
Surrealist-influenced poster for The Strange Woman, starring Hedy Lamarr.In 1930s...
[Venice. Mrs. Peggy Guggenheim in her palace on the Grand Canal, 1950 by David...
SOURCEThe brand spankin’ new redesign has haters, sure, but we think it’s seven...
From the walls of the world’s great museums, to the dusky halls of the stately...
Last Saturday, while making my way through a frenzy of de Young Museum...
The lovely people at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco recently invited...
Clueless has become as classically vintage as Cher’s 1972 columns with traces of...
The Monuments Men were charged with saving as many European cultural treasures as...
In 2011, the United Nations declared that July 30 would forever be known as the...
It’s June again (the onset of wedding season), so I’m reviving Sarah's...
Renaissance is a French word meaning ‘rebirth’, and in this case, it refers...
SOURCESeriously credentialed French officials are proclaiming that a painting found...
Going to see the Obama Portraits has been described as a secular pilgrimage.
Welcome back to Think Before You Ink, a series where we show the worst of the worst...
Jesuit missionary work gone horribly wrong
Wandering souls
This room drove its owner insane
Depressed, not depressing
Planting the seed
90s and on trend
Don't turn the thermostat up too high
Get your hand out of your pants, Sollie!
Censorship makes us crabby
Gives new meaning to "eating out"
No one knows just how deep it goes
Making the most of fire and brimstone
Only men can see this one
As close to hurtling through space as most of us will get
Walk on their faces
Experience infinity in one minute
The sweetest of portraits
Here we goooo
Unmade, smelly and dirty.
Classic Hirst
What lucky intern got to assemble these?
Calling all cynical pessimists!
Finally, a female gaze
Claustrophobics beware
"I like that queasy feeling"
Someone wasn’t paying attention in Sunday School
Monument to a bromance
Not even a little bit
Singin’ in a ring
Epileptics beware
Pretty sure they are laughing at you, not with you
A victim of the urban housing crisis
Too school for cool