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Don't drink and drive, kids
More cushion...
Don't fear the reaper
Hippies click here
Are you afraid of the dark?
Resistance is futile
Love is a many splendored thing
The manliest men
You can't please all of the people all of the time
Who said the world of commerce has to be boring?
The best from the heroes in a half shell
From our lips to their ears
Closets are for clothes
This is not a cheer-ocracy
Child's play
Man's best friends
Kingdom: Animalia
What's yours is mine
Ayy ladies, wait...
Clothing optional
They're just like us!
Dude looks like a lady
Hey, hot stuff!
You got served!
Damn hooligans! *shakes fist*
Not just for evil dicators and 1970's porn stars...
Equines for everyone
Never forget
Royal highnesses and their royal likenesses
You betta werk!
You may remember these from such shows as...
Under the bed and in your closet
Tech, not techno
Exactly what you think it is
Make your pants feel tight
Nothin' but the nasty
The ol' twig and berries
Lemme take a selfie!
Chart toppers
You can fool some of the people some of the time
Well, that's just like your opinion, man
Lady bits
Fun from Lambos to F-150's
Not everyone's photogenic
All J.C., all the time
Sad but true
Think you're having a bad hair day?
Sid and Nancy. Bobby and Whitney. Britney and Justin.
It's only natural
Spray paint manufacturers of the word rejoice!
The school that rejected Hitler, thereby perhaps inadvertently causing WWII
Founded in 1560 by Saxons who also happened to be Kings of Poland
Founded by Ludwig I, who made the mistake of introducing a beer tax, causing the beer riots of 1844
Located in Grant Park, site of the annual Lolapalooza music festival
All 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
Emperor Franz Joseph I ran out of space to hang his art, and this museum was his solution
Founded with a purchase of 88 Paul Klee paintings from a Pittsburgh steel tycoon.
Come for Guernica stay for ghost hunting
Built by momma van den Bergh for her baby boy
If you pull a museum out of debt, you get to call it whatever you want
Prado, not Prada
Goya, Picasso, and Dalí walk into a museum . . .
The only way to get money is to spend money
Their collection was saved by the Monuments Men
Vision of a man who stood on his head every day
Hosts art shows and chess tournaments
If anything, visit for the Isenheim Altarpiece
Also an observatory, library, convent, and botanical garden. Diversify those assets!
Created by Sister Suffragette
Japan's only museum for Western art and works really hard at it
Burglary in a Swiss Villa
Yes, it used to be a railway station
Only museum to have famous poetry written about it
The world's most visited museum
There's more than sculptures by Wilhelm Lehmbruck here
Likes to botch restoration projects and spend a lot of money
Famous British Mugs
Its collections were nationalized whether the owners wanted to or not
Replaced prisoners with artwork
Former seat of the Medici empire
The Pope's house
Beauty queens taking care of business
Created as part of the New Deal
Russian Ark
Who says you can't marry your cousin?
Barely made it through World War II with the help of some sandbags
You can't see a David this big anywhere else
Not ideal for those with vertigo
"Maybe that's what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in f***in' Bruges"
Big Alma's pride and joy
Can you spot the fakes?
A gift to the Nation
Not one, but two giant cannons guard the lawn
The Blue House
Enjoy art in an architectural iceburg
Embrace your inner underdog and recreate Rocky Balboa's run to the top!
Get Smart! See art!
Popular place to film when you're trying to prove the movie is actually in LA
Fort Worth a trip
Also happens to be the Duke of Wellington's house
The best backdrop President Obama ever had
It's THE Met
Josephine and Napoleon's love nest
MOMA knows everything goes better with Bacon!
Don't get stomped on
Aye laddy...
The only place where all lost and destroyed art can still be seen: online
Come and say g'day
Mostly a library with fancy books that dabbles in art
The oldest of the four Tate siblings
Bratwurst and museums just don't mix
Big, very, very big. Huge
If nobody is around to view art, does it disappear?
Rub elbows with Hollywood's elite
It's good to be the king
A treasure trove of gold
Was the Medici's office building
Opened to the public by the Grand Duke hoping to gain their favor
Former tobacco plantation
Quality, not quantity
Strange combination of old masters, modern art, and an in-house art video production department
Built by Bernini and Borromini
Expanded in 2016!
Napoleon forces his brother-in-law to sell him all his art
Oldest museum in the world
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene...not
One of the oldest public art museums in America
If you were catholic and rich in the 1600's you wanted to join this club and give them art
Diego Rivera is 96% of the paintings collection
Has a cool grand staircase
Motor city
Crazy architecture and a rocking view
Not a one trick pony
Countryside home of a multi-chinned archbishop
All Vinny, all the time
Was in an episode of Breaking Bad
Best art deco building in San Francisco
Chicago's front yard
Good wine and interesting art
You'll need a bicycle to get around the entire place
Not to be confused with the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art
Drawing crowds for 500 years
Their first curator added much of his own work
Best collection of dead Medicis anywhere
Two museums in one
Who run the world? Girls!
Go at your own risk
Nazis looted it, Allies bombed it, finally got its building back in the 1990s
The working class citizens weren't super excited about funds going to an art museum
"Let no stranger to the Muses enter"
If you want to see Spanish art and can't get to Spain, book yourself a ticket to Dallas, Texas
Bringing Austria and Germany to the States
Klimt City
Somehow this is the small one
Only things made 300 years ago or more
One of the wealthiest museums in America
Brand spankin' new!
Only place that call the Dutch Masters the "North Dutch school"
Old meets new at this Ivy League museum
Artwork and dairy farm together
Biggest collection of Rembrandts in one place
It really does look like a warehouse on the outside!
Most Roman temple like of the five museums on "Museum Island"
Named after a beer maker
Unchanged since 1918
Installed electricity to draw crowds at night shows
Works by Rodin and ... his mistress
Robbers did it like in the movies
Beautiful custom made rooms for Monet paintings
Don't get dizzy walking around this circular museum
Original pieces from 942 can still be seen
Underground in the City of Angels
Five museums for the price of one
Explore 300 acres of parkland
"You and I remember Budapest very differently."
A treasure trove of sculptures
Pretend you're in a Jane Austen novel
Has computer controlled lamps giving nearly shadowless light
Has a lot of money to throw around
Abraham Lincoln had his inaugural ball here
"The noblest of Washington buildings." - Walt Whitman
The building is inside out
Largest collection of Monets, DUH
Has a room lined with 440 pounds of beeswax
Go away Apple!
Former industrial site; looks better now
Dedicated to Human History and Culture
It's a natural history museum, so they have giant dinosaurs!
Do donuts around the mini Statue of Liberty in the parking lot
They took down the piper, but he came back
Heirs of a shipping fortune built it and then paid $5m for Koons' sculpture of Michael Jackson and Bubbles.
Lots of good fast food here, but try the "olieballen" (literally "oilballs" but really donuts)
Founded in 1880 by the 7th Duke of Argyle (after whose family's lands argyle socks are named)
The Phaaaaaaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is here!
In 1940, Hitler took the museum's 85 best artworks for himself, and had the curator killed in a concentration camp.
Started small
We're halfway there...
Don't tear down that wall!
Right across from the palace. It's good to be the king!
Off the wall
Peggy and her dogs are buried on site
Can't get more Oakland than Oak Street
They're keeping the name
Bring some shades when you visit SF's literally shining star
Giant robot threatens cafe-goers. Dine at your own risk!
Great Scott!
Just around the riverbend...
Figure out the way to San Jose...ASAP!
Awesome neighbor of Sartle! Or should we say, *vecino*
"No, I said the entrance is a GLASS HOLE"
Throw another cutting edge exhibit on the barbie...?
2 rich guys, a museum, and a wing place
Get elevated
Part of an amazing, technicolored palace!
You gotta check out the miniature paintings!
Will somebody please think of the children??
Heartless business man shows he has a heart
The setting for Kubrick's next film
Hippest place in Brighton
Commemorating the Holocaust
The floor is lava
Doctor Who is here a lot
Put a bird on it
A taste of Asia in the Tenderloin
Posher than Posh and Becks
Sweet Home Alabama
Where the 99% meets the 1%
Yes...they "borrowed" the art
Those Swiss have got it all!
Not too big, great collection and kid friendly to boot
Treasures around every corner
Does Renaissance art give you the hots?
Orphan Annie's favorite museum
Safe haven for when the big one hits
Between ferry terminal and financial district
Check out joggers and the bridge of lesser fame
Bankers and homeless people sit separately
For an art school, they sure have a lotta cash
All hail Andy Warhol!
Ancient architecture, delicious casserole and fabulous art
Poop in style while you enjoy art
Home of the most expensive art heist in history
Shopaholics, indulge your sweet tooth here
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
Dost thou knowest this place?
Happy wife happy life!
Cooler than an Orange Julius
Cheers to the gov'na!
Do the Antwerp art scavenger hunt until this building re-opens in 2017
The floating cube
Probably haunted
Your go-to spot for all things wonderfully weird
Holy Toledo, Batman!
Hoarders: Art Edition
Lovers on the lawn
Oh say can you see
Phantasmal Fido
If these walls could talk
Gem of scenic Scotland
Only artist on Sartle to have a beer named after him
Math nerd, businessman, "most German of all painters" thus beloved by the Nazis
Child prodigy, charming, sophisticated. Like Renoir, impregnated two girls, married one
Margaret Thatcher called him "that man who paints those dreadful pictures"
One of the most morbid painters ever, and one of the best
Disliked the outdoors for being "trop vert et mal éclairé" ("too green and badly lit")
An enigma. All we really have are his utterly bizarre and awesome paintings
Canvas dealer's son
He's got 99 problems, but ale ain't one
Sigmund Freud's grandson, a mega womanizer who also liked to drink and fight
Real name of Moshe, maybe the greatest Jewish Painter of all time. Hitler hated him
Wife was posessed by demons, most of his work got destroyed, he died of the plague
Weird Al's "favorite MC"
Supposedly knew the secret of the Holy Grail
Probably banged your girlfriend
Rich diplomat/artist, loved fleshy girls, married a 16 year old when he was 53
Impregnated two of his models, married one of them, painted from a wheelchair
Rockstar painter and (unknowingly) painter of album covers for rockstars
Owed money all over town
Professional forger of both Picassos and bank notes
Awesomely bizarre. Claimed he never tried gay sex because he assumed "it hurts"
A perverted, morbid, horse loving adventurer. Fell off his horse and died
America, hell yeah!
One studly Russian.
Look Ma, no ear
Don't call it a comeback
Loved the countryside, and died of lyme disease contracted in the countryside
Big Daddy of it all
A better painter than lawyer
Confused birds with humans and hung out at insane asylums
Caravaggio's main rival, inventor of the caricature, got depressed and quit art
Blonde, good looking, Aryan, yet Hitler hated his art and therefore hated him
The only straight Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Openly gay, nasty personality, but untouchable because the Medicis loved him
Orphan, workaholic, died "from excessive devotion to his art" (or stomach cancer)
Suffered from ADD; good at starting, not finishing. Got caught in a gay foursome
Very gay, but not happy. His dad and the pope beat him with a stick
Banker's son, anti Semite, ended up wandering the streets of Paris blind and alone
Movies would have you believe he could pierce the hell out of an ear
Hypochondriac, loved prostitutes and women generally, tolerated male patrons only for their money
Married the virgin mother of Jesus and was betrayed by one of his pupils
Awful person, signed hundreds of death warrants
Hitler's official portrait painter
Most famous unibrow in art, cheated on her husband with Trotsky, loved Stalin
Hard drinking, homophobic, thought museum curators were pansies
Part monk, part playboy
Liked to paint male nudes
Showed one of his female students how the male pelvis works
Cross dressing revolutionary
Doyen of the domestic interior
A mama's girl
Gay, kinky, happy to stir controversy, brilliant, died of AIDS
Businessman, con artist, hypochondriac, shooting victim, awesome
Stockbroker's daughter who wowed Degas
Psychedelic sculptor
Ex-nun, harassed for painting without a license, official painter of Marie Antoinette
Went to great lengths to avoid milking cows
Raped by her tutor, tortured at his trial, spent her life painting women assaulting men
It's good to be the emperor's favorite painter
Used high end escorts as models
Convicted murderer, drunk, deemed "foul and rotten", but protected by wealthy patrons
Promoter, businessman, married a porn star more famous than him
Restorer, tax appraiser, portrait painter to the rich who died poor himself
Loves a tragic love story
Second of four David Teniers' and married to a Breughel
Now the big daddy of sculpture, Rodin was originally kind of a loser
Looked great naked.
Famous for wearing men's clothes, smoking cigarettes, and generally NGAF
Frida Kahlo called him her "Frog Prince"
Can lay credit to most beautiful mistress and most beautiful self portrait with a mistress
Equally comfortable with religion and softcore porn
Married Georgia O'Keeffe and took lots of nude pictures of her
Loves headless figures
University of California professor who died of cancer, possibly caused by chemicals used in his art
Ladies Man
He sort of invented being an artist
He loved his mommy
Still makes the rest of us look academic. - Jackson Pollock
Buried his book of poetry with his wife, then exhumed the book for publication
Had a Chinatown family thing going on
Fountain Lady
In her day it helped if a talented and ambitious woman artist had money
Who said artists can't be good at business?
Opened an art school for women, and then married one of his first students
So popular in Spain that even today a good painting is called a "Murillo"
Refused to be knighted
Dude loved his dots
Swiss Miss
All that glitters is probably something by Gustav Klimt
Close friend of Manet's, even though he took it upon himself to "fix up" one of her paintings
Rectangles, colors, alcoholism, depression, and suicide
Narrowly escaped the Nazis
Could have been a professional baseball player, but decided to be a painter
South African plus size model. Early exhibitions called immoral
Maker of monuments, sculptures, houses, earthworks, parks, and environmental art.
Basic betches love Banksy
Wanna get...Drrrty!
Hated Caravaggio with a passion, but bit his style
Before there was Gangnam style there was "Makartstil". Hitler approved.
We don't look good until you look good
Responsible for the most famous vagina painting in the world
2 fast 2 furioso
Never married and said the very idea gave him nightmares, but loved a certain redhead.
Obsessive painter of self portraits. Died before he could be shipped to a concentration camp.
Jewish camouflage expert
Awesome Australian
Compulsive gambler, stubborn for sure, arrogant maybe
ZZ Top beard
Would have a reality show today
Over sexed murderer. Wrote a tell all autobiography that gets four and a half stars on Amazon.
His family reluctantly accepted his painter lifestyle
Not very smart, but had rich supportive parents
More than Rodin's mistress
"Of Derby" is not an acceptable last name.
Would rather throw spitballs than study
The ultimate cool beat chick
Her work was so good, it was mistaken for that of Frans Hals.
Prepared the decorations for Michelangelo's funeral
People from Rottweil are called Rottweilers
Went from rags to riches and made Caravaggio paint fruit.
Too #blessed to be stressed
Master of pubic hair and Hitler's favorite artist
Was said to be "Thief of Souls"
"I am the century"
Illustrated children's books to pay the rent
One wild and sexy lady
Has a disease named after him
“Anything you do will be an abuse of somebody else’s aesthetics.”
Steel mill is his studio
"Color always occupies me, but drawing preoccupies me."
“Letting people have your paintings is like letting them wear your clothes.”
Better than your kid
It's the insides that count
A favorite of mass-production calendar makers
A life outside the lines
Ladies first!
Some think he would look good in formaldehyde...
You think you know, but you have no idea.
Likes to psychoanalyse viewers with his art
His poop took down a power line in Berne
Kept a personal burn book of the patrons and artists she liked
Italian bad boy. His shit is worth its weight in gold.
Beware of the giant creepy people
Still waters run deep
Proved you actually can polish a turd
That 1970s vibe
They go apeshit over inequality!
Boring still lifes OR brilliant subtle tonality?
Stickin' it to the man
Sadly, a member of the 27 club
Lange is holding a camera! Really!
Clockwork Orange not his
Left the nunnery...
Put the Hello in Helvetica. Not related to Freddie.
Confronting the darker side
He got very Close
Dynamic duo
Rebel with a cause
No mas carne asada
"Fell" out of a 34th floor window during an argument
Son of Cranach the Elder
"Greatest French artist of all time" - Louis XIV
A whole lot of lovin'
Size matters...
If only all sellouts followed his example
From children's books to the brothels of Jaffa
Rock on Yves...
Wore a spiky helmet, just like Bismarck
Not to be confused with Xena the Warrior Princess, Lucy Lawless.
Too hot for some critics
They taught him how to build things in the US Army
The uncanny valley of kitsch
Man Ray sounds more dangerous than Emmanuel Radnitzky
One of her shows got shut down by the police
Korean techno superstar.
Screamin' in Sweden (not really, he was Norwegian)
Believes sleep is a waste of time
Barbed wire hula hoop dancer
Cali style, brah
Quick, put everything on the mattress!
Talented twins.
Head over heels with horses
If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it
Makes the world's best Hallmark card
Not bad for a kid who lived in a bubble
Buried like a pharaoh, in his favorite car with some choice accessories
Brush is mightier than the stethoscope
A bit like a cat himself
SmoothNess, QuickNess, NessTalgia, ArlenNess
Prolific in art and marriage.
Half of a dynamic duo
Tough friend' yet romantic
He went west
From billboards to pop art was an easy transition...
Ceramic sex toys are a thing with her
Scottish Italian Sir
Her genital puns are not gentle
Disaster art or disaster artist?
Possibly cut off van Gogh's ear
Painted fairies from psychiatric prisons
It's taxidermatological
He married a rich model
A tad temperamental
Early photoshopper
Just another feminist from New Jersey
A good man in a messed up world
Loved a storm
Came to Israel when it was Palestine and founded the first art school there
Son of Catherine the Kinky
Never met a Madonna he didn't like
He has a lot to say about his art and his art is all about him
Blue eyes...
Picked a dangerous medium for someone so unlucky.
Los Angeles legend, master of the evocative cityscapen
Not of the Bad Seeds...
The war made him sculpt noodle people
Painter of bony white women and possible child rapist
Trash to treasure
Before Hitler ruined the nose tickler...
Sculpted strange tableaux, and died too young.
A little dotty herself
Nigerian born artist whose steel sculptures are equal parts politics and fashion
Professor Painting right here
Stained canvases with gorgeous color
Always on the Lookout for Technological Invention and Innovation in Film.
Worked for big Henry
Lots of portraits, and the occasional bloody canibalism scene
Copycat extraordinaire
Wet blanket
Wonky welder
easy, breezy, beautiful
One man's trash is this man's treasure
His most famous work of art and his first CD are both nothing
Just ask her out!
Sexy Spaniard, missing bones
Took pix of misfits
Could have also picked the name Judy Vagina
Not your general idiot
Speed, beauty, rhythm
Does a surprisingly good Mona Lisa impression
Waited on that paycheck
Let him blow ya mind
A monumental talent
His madre must have done something right
No relation to Gerhard. Much more rock and roll.
If the Plague doesn't get you, something else will
Dutch nicknames are bizarre
He made rural seem racy
Do what you're good at
Impressionism's Grandpappy
Brits can't get enough scandal, and he doesn't disappoint
A bit stuck up, but painted the truth
Blurring lines in the Bay
Scoffed at the nouveau riche, had a soft spot for wayward kids and pugs
Before postcards, there was Canaletto
When a fire starts to burn...she'll be there
The math nerd's equivalent of George Clooney
It’s not blurry, it’s artistic
She made orphanhood look pretty good
Sometimes being a latchkey kid pays off
International man of mysterious abstractions
England's favorite art world transvestite
Jean du All Trades
The art world's Bono, but with better hair
He bled red, white and blue
Donuts for the people!
A guy who knows how to get the ball rolling
Proving that hard work pays off in the end
Built a career off an idea he had at Burning Man
A first class citizen in a second class world.
You can call him "Good Time Sandy"
Marry rich and work for fun
Those who can't do, paint
The less popular American Impressionist
Profound portraits off the beaten track
Master of Flémalle, expert at the oils, expatriated for sleeping with girls
His art will knock you off your feet...literallly
Dollar dollar bill y'all
A reminder to always install a sprinkler system in your storage area
Capitalizes on our compulsions...and our anxieties
You light up my life
She's a Jill of all trades
Optical illusions and Kate Moss lookalikes
Popular amongst those who frequent Renaissance Faires.
He's a regular techno Jesus
Busted into the boy's club
Troublemaking brothers with a flair for shocking art
The Thomas Kinkade of his time
He left us no clues about his sexuality
Art's matchmaker
Drawn to the dark side
Enjoys long walks on the beach, painting for patrons, and Italian food!
You can do it, Otto!
Started an art gang
That's Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος to you.
Be so good your "punishment" is marriage to a hottie
Señor Sticky Fingers
Taste, hear, and smell these
Should've used a horse and buggy instead
“Someone has killed Soutine!”
Drank himself to artist martyrdom
Nothing like your grandma
Ambitious and driven or greedy?
Brother nature
A mysterious wannabe
Savvy politician and ladies' man
Grump who liked to hump
Painted versions of MTV Cribs
Could really hold a grudge
Liked polygamy and a nice chianti
Polish censors do not approve of perverted orgies or of this painting
Not a Brunch menu special
Eat first, sex later
Michael Jackson style mothering on a boat!
Her goddess superpowers come from her pruning tool
Last chance to get some before it all goes to hell!
Like a sale at your local Hell.
Don't upset the god of the Israelites, or you'll be sorry
Romans showing the Israelites who was boss in 70 A.D.
Mental health facilities in the 1800's bore an uncanny resemblance to dungeons
Napoleon's Spanish henchmen stopping a revolt did not go down well with Goya
Jesuit missionary work gone horribly wrong
This one hung in Goya's dining room. Yum!
Judgment day is apparently going to involve some perverted violence
Selling little children as slaves was a big business in the 1870's
Two German friends lost amid a slaughter
Don't do drugs, drugs are bad m'kay?
Bacon paints meat
Delete the bits about rape and incest, and this could be a story out of Harry Potter
Russian generals hated this painting and banned it
Old school drinking game in progress
Can "Jacked Renaissance Babies" become a thing?
Three graces are better than one
Should have been called "nude mistress in a red chair"
Blowing hot and cold
Big (Sugar) Momma's House
Boucher's wife models as a sex slave in training, discuss
Love or hate?
Target practice for Hitler's airforce
When you need to practice painting dead people
Party like it's 1665
No designated driver, but four kids and a wheel barrow will get you home
17th century drinking game anyone?
Bottoms up!
Belch loudly and into the wind
Too turnt
Picasso does Mary Cassatt
Farmers loosing up
A very weird rock
If you had only one hand where would you put it?
Going up...
You'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!
Dali had lots of desires, some of them liquid
No problem, Señor Diablo
Nothing like a ten-some to tempt a saint
Paul was a bit of a horndog
Not all temptations are equally tempting
A really, really bad trip
Jesus butts in on the devil's business
Rinaldo can’t keep it in his pants
Bros before hoes
Protection money being handed over; the Pope who pays gets to watch
Too much sexy time made this the last of the Raphaels
David gets sassy
Hold still...
Good times at the dawn of Rome
Family portrait time!
What the visiting English Duke wants, the visiting English Duke gets
Tom Hanks struggled with this one
Huge, famous sculpture. (With small, famous dingdong)
A big box
Germans "borrowed" it, Russians "saved" it
Giant Swastika on the back
Old faced baby Jesus
Downton Abbey lookin' mofo
Lambs can be kept as pets, who knew?
Chubby kids = wealth!
Channeling Van Wilder in 1538
Tummy ache?
No dictator left behind...?
Maybe the Italians made fun of his height?
A mother's gross task
Frida loved Trostky. Stalin killed Trosky. Frida loved Stalin. Wait, what!?!?
The creepy old guy is Benton being honest about being a creepy old guy
Tribute to a nymphomaniac
Good times
Why wear gym shorts?
But is it art?
No homo!
Napoleon did not like it
Frida showing off a menagerie, unibrow and 'stache
Not an itsy bitsy spider
Robert likes Ken
It's naht a tu-mah! It's his bicep!
When you're the god of wine you get to drink from a huge glass
When men were muscley, women were soft, and there were only four continents
The Great Helmsman gets Warhol-ed
Interesting way to start an empire
English people are snobs
Pining for a more cheerful shipwreck
Before things got ugly life was very good
When you look good, we look good (and we get paid)
Rape revenge fantasy at its goriest
Special delivery
Every woman's dream: be married to the god of jewelry
Life as it should be
Cupid's a latchkey kid
Listen to your girlfriend. Especially if she's magic.
Dead boyfriend? No problem.
Some women should not be trusted to not nail your head to the floor
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Picasso was accused of stealing it, and Napoleon hung it in his bedroom
Carravagio having a bad head day
PYT was actually about Bubbles the Chimp
Not so Virgin Mary
Rub her right breast for good luck
T for Tony
Hey big spender
Muse has Rodin by the junk
Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned decapitation?
Analog life was tough
Flower or vagina, that is the question